A crying baby.
Have you ever wanted to solve California's drought while feeling miserable at the same time?

Solving California's Drought:
Harvesting Tears

California has been in a drought for quite a while. In this project, we explore whether reusing tears created by students in California will make an impact.

Component 1: Researching a Problem

Element A: Indentification and Justification of the Problem

California is in a drought, and now I have some problem on my hands. I have identified the problem, and now I am doing some cool justification of my problem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae nulla neque. Aenean efficitur, purus a iaculis venenatis, magna tortor semper purus, eget ullamcorper nisi sapien molestie ipsum. Cras in lacinia dui, ut mattis nunc. Donec et ex tincidunt, egestas nisi consequat, placerat massa. Ut in neque posuere, semper justo id, bibendum turpis. Pellentesque ac euismod sapien. Aliquam fermentum gravida rutrum. Mauris id accumsan felis, quis ornare libero. Nullam pulvinar eros in convallis tristique. Curabitur sed dolor eget tortor fringilla porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras ligula neque, varius eu vestibulum eu, mattis eget massa.

Nunc efficitur urna eget orci iaculis rhoncus. Sed placerat enim vel justo iaculis lobortis. Aliquam vel feugiat arcu. Nam eros libero, porttitor in neque eu, porttitor finibus dolor. Quisque pellentesque metus eu venenatis tempus. Nam pharetra neque eleifend quam varius cursus. Suspendisse eu placerat eros. Sed augue quam, consequat in vehicula ut, cursus non lacus. Fusce sodales semper justo pulvinar ornare. Nullam eget accumsan ex. Sed non viverra tellus. Morbi vestibulum sollicitudin imperdiet. Proin in accumsan justo. Fusce et congue urna.

A crying baby.
The sun is just a little too strong...

Element B: Documentation and Analysis of Prior Solution Attempts

A crying baby.
Unfortunately we do not get as much rain as Seattle does...

Previously, people have tried to pray for rain. Here's some documentation! Anyways, it probably doesn't work.

I myself have tried praying for rain, but I failed.

Element C: Presentation and Justification of Solution Requirements

I am presenting and justifying my solution requirements.

# Requirement
1 Water is produced.
2 My data is secure.
3 There are no Minecraft memes.